Thursday, July 14, 2005


The entrance smells of piss and bleach, it always reminds me of the community centre I used to go to when I was young and fit.

I breath a sigh of relief when the lift arrives and hasn't been screwed by those little shits on the 5th floor. The flat seems smaller somehow, dinner more bland, I finally fall into a deep sleep.....

I wake with a start and grab the clock on the bed side table....11:00...shit. The doorbell rings again and then I can hear the key in the lock... bloody home help. I crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom, hoping to buy myself more time from "that woman".

"This place is a mess!" (She always says that. It's her way of saying hello, but it always burns an anrgy hole in my stomach)

I climb into my chair, take a deep breath and roll into the living room. The wires from the stereo and TV are strewn across the carpet. She shakes her head tutting, it's like she waited for an audience.

She bends down to clear it up.... "DON'T TOUCH THAT" I bark.
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