Friday, July 15, 2005

Shopping spree

"What the fuck is it?"

Geoff, an old friend from before the illness set in. One of the only ones that still came over after I was wheelchair bound and uncomfortable to be around. Geoff didn't care about shit like that, he did much care about anything, apart from his weed and his car.

"I have no idea, I know I've done it somehow and I know that I want to see the outcome"

Geoff lit a benson and adjusted his cap....

"Well you said you needed me for summat" He bent down picking up a foot shaped object from the pile composed entirely of the electrical appliances from around the house.

"I found this list when I woke up this morning, I want you to head down to Maplins or summink and buy this stuff" I push a pile of cash into his hand. "There's a Henry in it for you if you sort it out today."
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