Thursday, October 27, 2005

Geek chic

Sebastian skipped down the stairs to the kitchen. Luke was already finished and sipping his tea starring at the oversized, brightly coloured, lycra outfit on the table.

"I think it makes me look heroic" explained Sebastian pouring his cornflakes.

"I think" Luke paused holding back the rage. "I should chuck you out and find another guinea pig for my potions. What would have happened if I'd lost you on the tracker you would've been stranded in Chelsea in this clowns outfit." Sweeping the costume off the table he stormed out.

Seb walked round and picked it up. So it was his first attempt, Luke would like his new one. He'd suprise him on their next outting.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005


A huge drop


Just in time, the potion wore off within seconds and Sebastian stood there deflated in his personally designed super costume. Now, far too big for him, he look dumb.

A light shone in his face....

He froze...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


A handsome, if a little gaunt, figure strolled into the Costa's coffee bar. He looked round furtively, spotted his quarry and strode over. A dog's leash snapped and the small terrier darted through the open door.

"I'm glad you decided to meet me today" The figure looked flustered

"The pleasure is all mine" The wheelchair bound stranger was distracted by the plop of his biscotti dropping into his coffee.

"That was probably me too...Things have a habit of going wrong when I'm around"

"I wouldn't worry about it. Once you meet the others I'm sure you'll feel at ease. The name's Issac by the way"

The figure wiped his hands on his jeans, a small hole appeared. "Jude"

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