Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Guinea pig

Pete shuffled in the cheap and slightly wonky leather office chair. As it turned it clanked against a cup half full of cold tea topped up with a thick layer of mould. Geo busied himself on the computer at the other end of the bedroom.

"So what's this new stuff you wanted me to try" Pete wiped his nose and began picking at the dismantled Amiga on the shelf next to him.

Geo looked up from his manic typing, paused and span round on his chair to face Pete.

"Aaaah Pete! I forgot you were there for a moment" Geo swept his greasy curls out of his black rimmed glasses and stood up. Walking over to one of the many messy shelves that lined the room he pulled down a crate and placed it on the floor.

"As you know Pete I've been providing you with your usual drugs of choice for some time now. In exchange for favours, aquisitions and such like"

Geo popped open the the small crate and reached inside. Pete was getting the shakes Geo had made him wait for a little too long. This had better be the hit he'd banked on otherwise he was going to have to make some very rapid alternative arrangements. He was wise enough not to rush Geo though. He was a good supplier but he was prone to bouts of anger. Pete rolled his tongue over the gap in his teeth where a molar used to sit.

"Here you go Pete" He passed him a vial containing a pale pink liquid, sat back at his desk and adjusted his glasses.

"What's this shit?"

"Pete, Pete ,Pete when have I ever let you down on these things? This my boy is the latest in designer drug from Hollywood's clubland. If you like it there's plenty more"
Geo waved his hand down towards the crate.
"Chin chin" He smiled and raised his chipped tea cup in the air in an effort to coax Pete to drink.

Pete paused, looked at the vial, shrugged and drank...


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