Billy the fanboy
Billy had read all the magzines, bought all the posters and was a huge contributor to the PowerWebWatch web site. He simply loved spending his whole time obsessing about these new celebrities. He'd been desperate to get a great picture and story and he knew that the Red Dart stories were the most popular by far!
He perched on top of a building armed with binoculars, sandwiches and his thermos. Today was going to be THE day!
Cross country
The box of blue vials clanked together as the car sped up north via the back roads. Neither Luke or Vault were big talkers but the radio kept the coversation going for all three of them.
"So you think we'll find someone who'll help us out?" Luke turned to Vault
"I'm confident we'll get a taker but we don't have much time. They'll be moving it again and we can't afford to lose it. We need to understand it's nature if we're going to know whether to try and stop the research team in China"
Luke nodded and the radio took over doing the talking once more.
Puppet One Mission
I hate these scum bags. I've been watching them for a week now and reporting on their movements top control.
Little dread-head bastards think they're going to change the world with their eco-bollocks but all the do is sit around smoking dope and fucking each other. This commune is so bad too. Six battered caravans and a couple of leaning sheds.
The waiting is the worst. This Odin guy better be worth the bother. I overheard the one called Craig last night saying that Odin was coming today but that doesn't mean much to them. They don't work the same as normal people.
What I want to know is why control wants me to kill Craig only when he greets this Odin chharacter. The way the dreadheads talk about him you'd think control would want me to clear out the ring leader not just one of his foot soldiers. Some of the things they say he can do just sound crazy too. They say he can make stuff appear out of thin air and that he knows what is going on throughout Britain all the time.
He's here and I can feel the darkness surging up into my mind, the mission will be complete soon.

Zap Kerpow Zing!
Well it's finally here! The site the gives you all the gossip on London and its "super" scene. We've got pic's, polls and peoples first hand accounts of all the goings on in this most unique city.
If you've got a story, photos or even mobile pics you want to share with the Powerwatch community then head to our contact us link and send it in! If it becomes the months featured article we'll give you £10!!
Check out the forums for dicussion on the Who, How, What and When of London. There are plenty of people already conributing to it. We have Power maps of all the hot spots you can visit and PowerWatch hints and tips on how to spot one of our esteemed/maligned London residence.
If you love the site be sure to stop in at the online store. We stock T-shirts, hats, badges and more!
So get clicking, posting and most of all watching!