Monday, July 18, 2005

Ocular misgivings

7:00 am, is it Monday morning again!? Do the weekends seem to be getting shorter and the weekdays longer...

I've been working for five years now, the same company I said I would leave after a year or two. Just get some experience, I told myself, then you can move on to bigger and better things... It's funny how that never happens. Five years gone in a blink of an eye, nothing but a paler Complexion and the beginnings of a beer gut to show for it!

I give myself a good hour to get ready. A nice long shower to begin with, followed by the breakfast of kings - black coffee and yes, three Weetabix! During breakfast I like to catch GMTV, but I always have to leave before LK Today begins, which thinking about it, isn't that tragic... Then, the final act of my morning routine, brushing my teeth.

I stand in front of the sink looking at myself in the mirror. I always start by brushing my front two teeth. They say narcissists always start brushing from the front, maybe there's something to that... A final gargle and spit! Minty fresh and ready to take on the world. One last glance at the mirror and a sly wink at myself.

I stand there frozen, barely able to breath. Staring at the mirror, at my reflection. It is me! of that I'm certain, but why didn't it wink back...

'The memoirs of Daniel Scott'


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