
The battle had raged for several hours before agreements had been made and a Mophora team were dispatched with the Government's blessing. By that time Citypoint had all but been demolished and some of the Barbican centre had been severly damaged.
The team quickly threw up a containment forcefield and fell into a holding position in the hope that the two would finally exhaust themselves and be easy to take down. This didn't happen, they seemed to feed off each others blows and soon the fields were in danger of collapsing. There was a change of strategy where the field would move and follow them and only be put into effect to prevent the destruction of property.
The battle began to rage through Farrington and up towards Kings Cross. The city streets were cleared as they went. It was when they were half way up Grey's Inn road that Vault and his team arrived on the scene. There were some stern words spoken between Vault and the Morphora squad but with reluctance they both decided that their differences could be dealt with after the issue in hand.
Jude, the Red Dart and three Morphora Heavy Suits were dispatched into the force field or the arena as the press had dubbed it....
London, the country and most of the world now sat and watched the events unfold before their eyes. No longer could the "London Phenomenon" be ignored.
Bevan relaxed in his Thames side apartment watching his recently purchased plasma TV. He chuckled to himself, pleased with his handy work. The phone rang,
"Hello Mr Zane" Bevan sat up in his leather chair.
"Yes I am pleased with result, the press are going crazy about the Morphora protectors. You shouldn't have any problem getting them on to the streets now!"
A pause
"Yes Mr Zane, I know that the Red Dart and his team need to dealt with. Let's just call that phase 2." Bevan took a sip of his wine.
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