Monday, May 08, 2006


It had been nearly a month since anything of note had occured in London. Morphora had tightened their grip on the centre of the capital to the point where most people began to feel some sembalance of normality. Most open uses of power were jumped upon and the "offending" person removed to an, as yet, undisclosed location.
Tazr lived out in Barnet he'd managed to keep his gifts from his parents and demonstrated them to the parties who had provided him with work. Carrying a small electrical charge in each hand he was able guarantee delivery of whatever needed safe delivery. He guessed he was lucky, but yearned to wield the power of the likes of Red Dart, Vault and Stone fist. Then again perhaps the reason it was so quiet was because they'd been captured in secret to prevent a publicity scandal. He decided to keep his head down and mouth shut..for the time being anyway.


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