Thursday, August 11, 2005


"Just stop talking!" Lenny leaned back in his well worn leather chair.

Frank was an old timer who'd never really made it past rung one, mainly due to his penchant for fuck ups. He didn't even want to get into the gambling business in the first place. Now he knew too much about how it really worked and couldn't see a way out. What would he do if he did get out anyway?

"Look Len, there's no need to shoot the messenger!" Frank suddenly felt he'd over stepped the mark. A jolt of adrenaline swam up from his gut.

Len slammed down his empty whiskey glass on the desk.

"Over 50 grand on bets from my franchise in one day! I'll fucking shoot the lot of ya! Now get a crew and find out what this geeza knows. I want his source or his fingers by the end of the week."
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