Thursday, September 15, 2005


I'd been a week or so since it really became apparent where this was going. At first there were some unusual occurences then the police caught Lily the Kensington screamer. It was days after she was charged for disturbing the peace that a private enterprise (Morphora) had published an article in the Sun stating how extensive this threat was. They also said in no uncertain terms, that they were equipped to deal with this "issue".

The Mayor of London had told the press that he will continue to read the research available on this matter and was unhappy with a private enterprise being allowed to deal with this situation until all the facts were in.

I wasn't taking any chances. People began to give me looks, I was turning from local hero into a object of blame for all that was wrong with the world. I heard word that Morphora were making private offers for information on any enhanced they knew of. Within 2 hours of hearing this I was in hiding.....

I kept in touch with progress from a bespoke internet connection I'd come up with. The chameleon feature of the Vault was still in development but was sufficient for night time scavenger operations.

I wished I'd kept my gifts quiet perhaps I wouldn't be sitting in a squat eating beans from a tin. I began to worry, the Vault had gone into hibernation in the past. I feared that it wouldn't be there at the optimum time. Let's face it I was useless without it.

That optimum time was soon coming, the downstairs door crashed and splintered as a green scan light flickered through the broken slats in the upstairs landing. I could hear the the crunch of heavy booted feet step over the broken door. A clank, rattle and then a hiss. Smoke filled the room and tears began to fill my eyes.

All I could think of was Geoff and kicking the shit out of the grass.

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