I'm Back!
It took me a few days to get back to
The rest of the time has been spent on numerous trains or hitch hiking, begging to get by. God knows where I was. For all I know, I went away from
A fictional group blog! Somehow people in London are gaining superhuman abilites. This is a blog of those people from their perspective. Set in modern day this will follow current events as they happen and the reaction of the characters to them.
It took me a few days to get back to
The rest of the time has been spent on numerous trains or hitch hiking, begging to get by. God knows where I was. For all I know, I went away from
The last twenty fours hours have been crazy. I spent the first part of the night in the forest, hiding in a fox hole covered with leaves and mud to conceal my smell. Dogs were barking, people were shouting. Helicopters were whirling above, their spotlights turning the forest into some spooky, strobe drenched dream. I soon realized that I wasn’t going to escape unless I moved on. The dogs were getting closer.
I stumbled on and on, tripping over roots concealed in the forest floor or tumbling into natural craters in the uneven ground. I eventually fell out of the forest, slipped down a steep slope and landed on my back trying to stifle a loud grunt as air was expelled from my body in an effort to minimise the pain from the fall.
Opening my eyes, I noticed a clear night with the moon just a sliver above me, giving my pursuers no joy in their hunt. I looked over and realised I had chanced upon some train tracks. With the commotion of the dogs and helicopters starting to disappear into the distance I begun following the tracks.
The last few days have been spent looking for an escape route. I have been exploring the whole complex. Every night I have ventured further from my room testing the limits of this power. I have found that the further I traveled the less clear is my vision. It is as if my vision becomes blurred at the edges and becomes increasingly cloudy in the centre. I also find it is very tiring using this power for a sustained period of time.
I now believe I have a way out. It appears that every couple of days I get an injection of some sort that wipes me out for about twenty four hours. I am not sure what these injections are for as there are rooms that even in my astral state I can’t get into and I am sure it is these rooms that hold the key to why I am here. It is during this time I expect to make my mistake.
At roughly the allotted time, as it is never exact, I am outside my room waiting. A person comes up to my door and starts to unlock it. The speed with which I can return to my body and be functioning is frightening and within seconds I am up and behind the door. The door opens and I seize the man by the arm, at the same time grabbing the needle from the tray he is holding. The tray falls to floor making a large clanging noise. Shit. I can’t help that. I push the needle into the poor guys neck. Poor Guy! He is part of it I tell myself. He deserves everything he gets. A well of anger rises within me for the first time since I have been here. I run out the room and take a right pass the room where I saw the other guy sprawled upon his bed. No time to help I have got to get out of here. I know the route by heart and within sixty seconds, before even sirens have signaled an escapee I am out in the open air.
I run to the fence, up an over, ten feet of steel fence with barbed wire at the top but handy foot holes help my way. My clothing tears but I’m out and the forest looms ahead of me.
The next few days were spent exploring this new found talent. Some days were like dreams where I lost all sense of time. I had the distinct feeling I was losing days here and there. I had to find out how long I had been here. Using this skill of Astral Projection, as i had come to identify it, I traveled down the hall, through corridors, sometimes turning left, sometimes right. I had no plan but eventually came upon a door that showed promise. Inside was an office with an unkept desk and a newspaper resting on a pile of files. Looking at the date, my mouth dropped, I had been in here almost two weeks. I thought it had been half that time. It was time to find a way out.
I then noticed a headline;
Strange Case of the Missing Professor
By Jeremy Hayfield
Police are today investigating the strange disappearance of the renowned academic and scientist Gareth Bates. His wife reported him missing at the weekend after he didn’t return home from work on Friday evening. He left work as he always did at
My prison cell, as this is what I likened it to, was about ten meter squared. I sat for what seemed liked days feeling the atoms of life float around me. Occasionally food and drink would be passed through a hatch in the locked door. For some reason I felt very peaceful and calm during this time, so unlike the days before I was brought here.
Something happened today though. I was lying down thinking of The Girl, drifting off to sleep. In that moment when your body is asleep but your mind is still awake I felt myself drift away from my body. I was suddenly a fluid form able to fly through the air. I was part of everything around me. I looked down and there was my body looking peaceful on the bed. I flew over to the door and looked through the keyhole. I moved myself closer and closer to the keyhole and before I knew it I was in the keyhole pushing through to the other side.
I found myself in a corridor. I looked back at the door and there was a label on it;
I traveled down to the next door and the label read;
I peered through the keyhole and there was another person asleep in a room identical to mine. I only looked for a moment before I heard footsteps echoing down the corridor towards me. I panicked. Not sure what to do I just stood there, floated there, or whatever it is I was doing. I was frozen. The person, dressed in a white lab coat came towards me, never showing a hint of acknowledgement or surprise that I was there. As he came closer he walked straight through me.
This felt very strange. I was too exhilarated to do anything else. I flew back to my body, lied down, and I awoke in my body. A mischievous smile appeared on my face as I said to myself,
“This is going to be interesting”.
Light started to filter through my cornea and past an opening in my iris, my crystalline lens focused the light onto my retina via the vitreous whilst photoreceptor cells transformed this light into electrical signals that were being transmitted to my brain through the optic nerve. My brain then conducts the complex operation of visual processing and I can see.
All this happened in an instant but I could sense it all as if in slow motion. I could feel how every part of my body responded to tiny changes in air temperature or humidity. I felt alive for the first time in my life. I looked around and I was in a white room, it could almost be described as a padded cell, with no window or natural light. I wasn’t tied down, but I was locked in.
I was also wearing a bracelet. A metal I didn’t recognise, silver in colour and cool to the touch, with a small red jewel on the underside. I tried to slip it off but with no success. With no answers forthcoming to the multitude of questions I had there was only one thing to do……………..wait.